The Rugby Association of Maharashtra (RAM) is committed to the growth, development and promotion of Rugby across the State of Maharashtra, and beyond (rest of India).

Our programs aim to reach out and introduce Rugby to all, giving us an incredible opportunity to make a real difference in society and the lives of our people.

It is our endeavor to use Rugby:

• To inspire, encourage and motivate people
• To foster talent from urban, rural and tribal areas
• To provide hope, opportunities and a pathway for progression
• To provide a platform for growth, development and excellence
• To enable and empower young leaders
• To create mentors and role models
• To be a vehicle for social transformation

At RAM, we strive for Excellence in all aspects and aspire to take a holistic approach to the health, safety, well-being and welfare of our people by focusing on the power of Rugby to assist them to improve their lives.

RAM embodies the ideals of ‘Right To Play’ and aims to create an environment that is exciting, inclusive and fun - a ‘Sport For All’.

Rural & Grassroots Development
Tournaments & Events
Leadership & Empowerment
Rugby for Change & Impact Beyond

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